Low Vision Optometrist 10461

Low Vision Care

Low vision refers to reduced eyesight that is not sufficiently correctable with eyeglasses, contact lenses, medications, or medical procedures. For people diagnosed with low vision, the challenges of daily living and performing simple tasks can be daunting. However, thanks to advances in care, visual aids, technology, and rehabilitative services are available to help individuals with low vision enjoy an improved quality of life. 

Diagnosing low vision

By performing an exam designed to test for low vision, our eye doctor can measure your visual ability to engage in daily activities such as reading, driving, shopping, watching television, or recognizing faces. In addition to providing valuable diagnostic information, these tests also influence which type of specialized technology or tools get chosen to enhance remaining vision and help one navigate the challenges of daily living.  

Living with low vision

Today, many services and devices are available to help people with low vision perform their daily tasks and enjoy an improved quality of life. Visual aids include advanced options such as telescopic glasses or specialized eyewear with tinted UV filters to help with light sensitivity and contrast, lighted hand-held magnifying glasses, and digital desktop magnifiers. Many non-optical options to improve daily life are also readily available. For people with low vision, items like large font printed materials, audiobooks, text-reading software, specialized light fixtures, and high-contrast or talking clocks and watches are helpful, easy, and enjoyable to use.

Advanced and compassionate care 

We provide skilled and experienced care to determine the type and extent of any vision impairments, what to do to address the problem, and if any recommendations or referrals are needed to address an underlying condition. We’ll also prescribe the appropriate therapeutic technology and rehabilitative services. 

While coping with vision loss is challenging, our office will provide you with the necessary care, tools, and strategies to remain active and engaged in your daily activities.